3: Meet George Jetson

2.11.2016 – 2.11.2016 rain 12 °C

dsc_7043So another day in the neon-ness that is Tokyo. I must mention crowds…. I had in my mind that Tokyo was going to be people, people and more people… I recall hating Beijing because I felt like i just couldnt move… Not so in Tokyo! Not sure if that is because people are unfailing polite and would never think of brushing into you or that there is just plenty of space!

Our day began with pancakes and a coffee. Japanese breakfast is being saved for tomorrow when we head to the fish markets. Our plan for the day- Imperial Palace grounds, National Museum and Sky Tower– must test out Ramen! Achieved two out of the four!

dsc_7065Headed to downtown Tokyo to see the palace grounds. Parts of the palace are off limits (the Emperor and his family still live in the grounds)– no pomp and ceremony like you would see gazing at a European palace, just green scerenity. The grounds are very beautfiul… I was expectign to see at least 1 zen rock garden and was disappointed… the green spruce trees though more than made up for it! Many of them sculpted into gorgeous flat topped trees– very Japanese. I guess the highlight for me was in the middle of the park and the very Jetsons building that is on fine display. I’m not sure what the building actually is, but it was certainly built in the 50s and proudly displays its space creditionals!

img_1559On our way out of the Imperial gardens we headed across the road to find the subway and instead found the Gallery of Modern Art. Both of us were in heaven! Firstly, the craft museum where we saw plenty of pottery + this amazing coloured wire sculpture. Tried unsuccessfully to get a shot of the artwork and later discovered it is the attraction of the craft gallery! The security guards in the rooms are unfailing polite. I’m in the act of lining up my phone (i at least knew not to bring in the big one) when i hear this very soft patter of feet.. The guard bowed to me and indicated that I couldn’t take the photo! Very Japanese. No raised voices, just unfailing apologetic that I couldn’t take a photo of some important piece of artwork.

From the craft gallery our next stop was the main Modern Art Gallery where I was stunned to see a Picasso + a Kandinsky on display- and clearly I got off a sneaky shot of the Picasso! For some reason Tokyo and top art had not merged in my thinking- so this time around I hadn’t done any digging into which art gallery would hold what art… MAGT huge big tick! The other highlight for me was this video artwork… merge of realistic looking cartoon + music… very appealing!

img_1569By the time we’d MAGT’d it out, it was well past lunchtime so we headed up to Ueno to find some lunch and the National Museum. Ramen was discovered!!!! Another amazing meal! I had pork, mushroom, bean sprouts + noodles– Kellie, a vegetarian alternative! Walking up to the Ueno park grounds (where the zoo and main museums are kept) I saw a sign that blew me away… Couldn’t read it but the picture was unmistakable—- Self portrait of Van Gogh and the dates indicated the exhibition was on now! OMG… No more National Museum for me it was straight to find the main Art Gallery for Japan and see a Van Gogh exhibition. Seventh heaven!!

No more me thinking Japanese art galleries held wood blocks + silk paintings!!! It held as large an exhibition of Van Gogh as the Musee de Orsee!!!! No sneaky photos in here— people galore but the paintings and the brush strokes~ gets me every time. In fact, what “got me” this time were a few particular paintings.. picture of a marble statue– amazing colours and light + the three self portraits all lined up next to each other. The one everyone recognises, and two on other side that I hadn’t seen before. To be honest, the earliest one didn’t look anything like the one we all know and love. The first one is very Rembrandt like– dark… Straight nose and full dark brown beard.. nothing like the reddish- golden hair we all expect to see on a self portrait of VG.

I could prattle on all day about the VG exhibition.. truly AWESOME! Spent so long there that by the time we got out it was late afternoon and FREEZING! (Actually its been cold all day but it was COLD with it getting dark).. we headed into Starbucks to thaw out and have a hot chocolate.

dsc_7073Dinner time and what to do?!?! Roppongi it was decided. So back onto the subway and down to Roppongi. Got out and got disappointed!!! What the?!?! Very modern and very big apartment building complex.. no neon, just Louis Vuitton! Decided to head back to subway and onto somewhere else when we found Roppongi! Firstly found a warm bar for a glass of wine– truly miserable outside tonight. Secondly, found a dinner locale and started following google maps… Didn’t find what we were looking for but did find Okinamiyaki with a waiter who spoke fluent English! Our meal was sensational!!!!! Seriously, if you love Japanese food—————-


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