29: Bergen

13.07.2011 – 13.07.2011 sunny 23 °C

Last day on board the Hurtigruten with no stops all day until we got to Bergen at 2.30pm. Had quite a slow day, spent the day reading, snoozing and playing cards.

The arrival into Bergen was just gorgeous. Bergen is a city that is based on a number of fjords. The sun has been shining all day and so the view coming in was just amazing. Tall green cliffs on either side, sparkling blue water, lots of yachts and boats in the fjords and then Bergen!

Bergen is such an amazing town. I’m sure there aren’t many like it in the world. The town is perched on the sides of the fjord and all most of the buildings are old wooden or brick double/ triple story houses that are all jammed together in a riot of colour. And aren’t there tourists! Holy Dooley there are some people in Bergen! After spending so much of our journey with no people to come into Bergen was a bit of a shock.. One of the streets is World Heritage Listed (because of the age and the beauty of the buildings) and the amount of tourists wandering along is just staggering!

On our rambles we went and had a look around Bergen House. Bergen House is an old castle and fort that has been in location since the late eleventh century. Unfortunately it didn’t appear to be open to the public so we amused ourselves wandering around the grounds.

Finished off the day with some fish and chips on the wharf of Bergen before retiring for the night. Our hotel in Bergen is an interesting one in that it is one of the old buildings in Bergen. Our room has a balcony that looks right over the main quay and the heritage listed area. Awesome view!

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